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When parents divorce, the most difficult legal matters they face involve the children. The same applies to unmarried parents who are separating and need to determine who will get custody of the children.

Child Custody

In general, child custody is divided into two types: physical custody (where the child actually lives) and legal custody (decision-making authority over important aspects of the child's life such as education and health care).


Texas family law courts recognize that children benefit from having a meaningful relationship with both parents. Thus, in Texas, both parents are presumed to divide their rights and powers over their children between each other.  The parents or the judge must decide and write into the decree how those rights are to be exercised.


We handle a broad range of child custody matters, including modification and enforcement of orders, as well as grandparents' rights.

Child Support

While divorcing or separating parents may disagree on many issues, all parties can agree that the needs of the child must be provided for. To what extent each parent fulfills that duty is determined by the child support arrangement.


In Texas, child support is determined by guidelines which take into account a number of factors, including:

  • The number of children

  • The net resources of each parent

  • health care insurance for the children

  • Annual child care expenses

We can assist you with all of the legal details involved in determining child support, including child support modifications and enforcement.

CONTACT US TODAY :    469-305-9960   |

1401 N Central Expy, Ste. 118 , Richardson, TX 75080 | M-F : 10:00AM-6:00PM

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